Of course, Tom Horn and I have been saying this for over a year and we predicted it a full year before it actually happened in our bestseller Petrus Romanus the Final pope is Here. Because of the uncanny accuracy of that prediction I feel like we should be vigilant to pay attention to the rest of the book’s ideas. I am still partial to the theory that Pope Francis will step into the role of the biblical false prophet. His planned trip to Israel this spring could very well verify that hypothesis. Here is a bit of the article and a link.
Former Vatican Secretary of State: Benedict decided to resign
in 2012
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the former Vatican Secretary of State, has revealed that Pope Benedict XVI decided to resign in 2012, several months before he made that decision public.
In an interview with the Italian daily Il Giornale on the anniversary of the resignation, Cardinal Bertone said that Pope Benedict had made up his mind to step down by the middle of 2012, and had originally planned to announce his plans before Christmas that year. Cardinal Bertone said that he tried to persuade the Pontiff to delay his decision, but was successful only in convincing him to wait until February 11, 2013.
read more: http://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=20454
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