The Catholic website is calling this new video as a “sensation.” Its an amazing step toward advocacy of a global religion we like to call oneism (after the work of Dr. Peter Jones)
Defending the Faith, Evangelizing the Eschaton
The Catholic website is calling this new video as a “sensation.” Its an amazing step toward advocacy of a global religion we like to call oneism (after the work of Dr. Peter Jones)
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Logos Apologia is the ministry of Cris D. Putnam. The mission of Logos Apologia is to show that logic, science, history and faith are complementary, not contradictory and to bring that life-changing truth to everybody who wants to know.
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Since the scriptures say ALL sects/denominations are “works of the flesh”, and Catholicism is the FIRST pagan religion of Christendom, the first sect/denomination of Christendom, what ever they say is of no value to anyone but Satan. They don’t teach God’s word, they reject it. They are a religion rife with icons and idols, pagan rituals and beliefs and teachings. They have more blood on their hands than can ever possibly be accounted for, and God will ask for that blood back.
The Cross is the stumblingblock. If salvation could come thru love or doing our best “then Christ died in vain. ” Galatians 2:21
If you look at the original texts, all 5,000 that exist, you will see in them the word “stauros”. It’s Koine Greek for stake/pole. It’s the word used to describe the instrument of Jesus’ death. It in no way translates into cross. The word “cross” was installed into the scriptures by a pagan emperor in 325 a.d. when he created Catholicism. Jesus died on a torture stake, not a cross. The cross has ALWAYS been a pagan symbol of the “tau”, or t, symbolizing Tammuz, a made up pagan god. the cross is a pagan symbol, not Christian.
Sounds like good JW teaching.
The instrument of His death is not the issue here, it’s His death. It is only through His death that a sinner can find forgiveness with God. I hope and trust you will agree with that.
It’s good scriptural teaching, since that’s exactly what the scriptures say and teach. The issue of mistranslating stauros as cross IS a big issue. Believing it was a cross is believing in pagan teachings, rather than believing in God’s teachings. It’s adhering to something pagan, and God has said that we must not touch anything pagan, ever, if we want to take advantage of His promises.
Let’s change that for you so we can rejoice in His finished work. Gal. 6:14 – “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the ‘pole’ of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Happy now?
Let’s change that for you so we can rejoice in His finished work. Gal. 6:14 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] – “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the ‘pole’ of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Happy now?
That’s a lot of judgmentalism, self-righteousness and condemnation in your post. Most of the holy godly people I know and respect, call the torture stake, the cross….including ALL the Bible translators except JWs. I’ll stick with them instead of believers with mindsets like yourself. I was raised in a JW home so I know the trap JWs are in. It’s hard to break free when you think you only know the truth. The truly godly person would have joined with me in rejoicing in His finished work on the cross with a gentle sentence that you prefer ‘torture stake’. But no, you have to slam and condemn all to hell. Yes, there is a lot of religion out there. I will continue to lift up Jesus and His CROSS in the power of the Holy Spirit which I know I have. The kingdom is not talk but power. JWs have no power or love of God because they do not have the Holy Spirit but the spirit of a cult.
Bob Brown…I am solidly with you. This quibbling over stauros is a flight to reality coping mechanism, and thus a work of the flesh in and of itself. Using stake, pole, cross, torture-stake makes no difference to the intent of Scripture which is to present the dilemma of a fallen world, the various options for pleasing/reuniting with the Creator, and dismantling all options as certain except the atoning work of the second Adam, God become man, dwelling, fulfilling, suffering, achieving, conquering, and re-uniting with the Father on behalf of us incomplete and insdequate mortals. If knowledge acquisition and intellectual acumen alone could join us to God, I believe I would qualify as well as anyone. Yet all my learning in the sciences, history, logic, and rationality has only taught me how little I know of the vastness and imcomparable magnificence of the mind of the Creator. Faith, that full persuasion of His plan enacted and finished for us by Messiah sets aside all sophist dithering and turns it on its head.
I know many who believe what you posted as “God become man”. However, that does not harmonize with the scriptures. The scriptures, God’s word, clearly teach that God didn’t become man, but Jesus did, God’s SON. the belief that God became man comes directly from Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. False PAGAN religion at that.
Emery Richards…Rather than posting your opinion vis a vis scripture, please quote directly to prove your point. I doubt you can find even one…meanwhile just a taste for your perusal. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it…And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
The angel said to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you. For this reason the baby will be holy and will be called the Son of God.
“A god” versus “a God”. Many things are described as gods in the scriptures, but only ONE is described as God. There is but one God the Almighty, and the Word is described as a god, NOT AS GOD THE ALMIGHTY. Jesus is the image of his Father, but he is NOT his own father. Can you be your own father? No. Can you be your own son? Again, no.
εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος. You have failed to provide any Scripture to back up your claim. In the first instance in John 1:1 Theon is the object of preposition and thus is in the accusative case. In the phrase in question, it is in the nominative case Theos (indicating the subject or predicate nominative is equal to the subject). But it is the same word for ‘God’, and in both phrases here indicates the One and Only True God. Greek has no indefinite article. Therefore you are supplying it. The rule, and I have studied both Koine, and Attic Greek, extensively, is that in the absence of the definite article, the indefinite is supplied by the translator only when required for the sake of the translation. You have so far only attempted to explain away the obvious. It is incumbent upon you to defend your case. You have demonstrated a decided lack of ability to do so. Your method is a typical Jehovah’s Witness tactic. If your goal is petsuasion, you are failing, but if you only wish to convince yourself, then why waste the effort. You will not be responded to again by me unless you provide textual analysis in Greek or Hebrew.
You are posting Greek, not Koine Greek. There is a huge difference. That may explain a lot of your inaccuracies in your posts.
Teaching ACCURATELY anything from the scriptures, contrary to your statements, is NOT a “work of the flesh”, it’s giving an accurate witness of God and His inspired word, the Bible.
And, teaching a principle of God in almost all cases, cannot be “proven” with a scripture. It takes the entire body of the scriptures to teach almost everything from them. Using a single scripture to make a point is a tactic of false religion, and involves mostly interpreting them. God said that interpretation of scripture belongs ONLY to Him. We are NEVER to interpret a scripture. Religions teach this also, since they have not a clue as to what any of them really mean. Satan veils the meaning of God’s word, and only God can help us pierce that veil, IF in us, He sees an honest heart and an honest hearted desire to draw close to Him and understand His words to us. Anyone inventing and involving one’s self in a religion, which is an imitation of the one true faith Jesus taught, has no such honest heart.
TY. While JWs preach against false religions, they themselves are in a false religion and don’t even realize it. Salvation for them is not through trust in God thru the finished work of Christ leading to obedience, fruitfulness and witness. It is rather in being a JW and belonging to their organization. They cannot envision anyone being saved apart from the JW organization. Salvation for them is really by becoming a JW and believing all that the Watchtower Society teaches. It is salvation by belonging to the organization…..which is exactly what the Catholic Church teaches. But “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Only those “IN CHRIST” are truly saved. Not those in an organization…even Christian churches and Christian religions. To promote the organization over Christ is a mark of a cult and false religion. God bless you.
If you don’t have first hand information about something, it’s best to keep quiet about it. Your post is completely filled with inaccurate information. It only makes you look unintelligent and petty. You have NO IDEA what is involved in being one of God’s people, and you post as though you are solely responsible for organizing them. Sorry, but that job belongs to Jesus, not you.
I was baptized a Catholic and then my parents left to become JWs. I was baptized a JW. I left in my teens. Then Christ came to me and saved me and called me into the ministry. I have a master’s degree in theology and have been used by The LORD to be fruitful for Him to His glory. I know a lot about cultism. It begins by putting the leader/organization in a position above Christ and His Word and the Gospel.
Apostate huh.
Bob; is not that true of all denominations who classify the clergy as leadership.. I have been unchurched for the last 12 years for this reason (the cultic clergy) who demand conformity to denominational constitution based on a theological interpretation of the bible. Cults are far more widespread than JWS .. Cults demand alliance of those who place the tradition/theologies of men invented by men above the Word of God
Your claim that JW’s are a cult, is essentially saying that Jesus started a cult. That is a total lie. JW’s are God’s ONLY servants on Earth, and the ONLY ones on Earth who do the ENTIRE WILL OF GOD, all day, every day. They are the only ones who remain “no part of the world” as Jesus commanded. They don’t have a religion, other than the “one true faith” that Jesus taught, and have no beliefs outside the scriptures, no clergy, no leadership other than Jesus. They are the only group on Earth who do not place traditions/theologies of men over the word of God. Shouldn’t you actually know the true facts about people before you speak about them? You seem to know nothing about them at all.
No need talking to you any more Emery. You’re brainwashed sadly. Thinking only JWs are God’s true servants is typical of a cult mentality. Glad I’ve been set free and now know what Grace is all about. JWs really do not experience grace. They believe in it but don’t know it or what God’s mercy is all about.
Hi Jaz,
I agree with you that most churches are cultic that are built around the “Leader”, “Pastor”, etc.
The true church of GOD allows Jesus to be the Head. All leaders including pastors, elders etc. are part of the body. IF called to lead they are to lead by serving as Phil 2:5-8 teaches. Leaders are to have the mind of Christ. And yes, being a part of an organization ‘can’ lead to a cultic mentality. The organization MUST continually lift up Christ as the Head to escape hierarchy. That is why I’m not part of a church that is in an organization. I’m in an independent Baptist church that in practice allows Jesus to be the Head of the church. I hope you can find a body of Christ like that. God bless you. Bob
I never said that. You are reading things into my post that are not there. I said that only those that do God’s ENTIRE WILL, always, every day, are God’s people, and will be able to take advantage of the New Covenant. I never said that only those who are members of the society are. However, I have never met anyone who is not part of the society who does the entire will of God. God’s servants are NOT part of a cult, and Jesus DID NOT CREATE A CULT as you claim. And it’s not possible for you to know what God’s servants experience, or don’t experience. You have no first hand accurate information about them, and most likely never will.
And again, what ‘s the point in being part of a religion or church that is attempting to duplicate the one true faith that Jesus taught? Wouldn’t it be more wise to be part of the ORIGINAL? A duplicate is never the original. I’ve also never seen or heard of a religion or church that rejects the pagan beliefs that ALL OF CHRISTENDOM adheres to, such as immortal soul, using the cross, hell fire, going to heaven or hell, and hundreds more beliefs that ARE NOT SCRIPTURAL, and DO NOT originate with God the Almighty. And what is this “allows Jesus to be the head”, when he is the head of the Christian Congregation. Jesus DOES NOT NEED YOUR PERMISSION to be head of that congregation. Jesus is also head of the husband in every marriage, and he doesn’t need permission for that either. So you’re not allowing him to be the head. He simply IS the head, whether it’s acknowledged or not.
Emery, here is YOUR statement: :JW’s are God’s ONLY servants on Earth, and the ONLY ones on Earth who do the ENTIRE WILL OF GOD, all day, every day. They are the only ones who remain “no part of the world” as Jesus commanded.”
Out of your own mouth ONLY JWs are God’s servants on earth. JWs may think that they do the entire will of God, all day, every day…but that is a lie. JWs have a fallen human nature as well and commit sexual sins, pride, covet and fail to love Jehovah with their whole body soul mind and whole being with every cent and every second. They also fall short of loving their neighbors as themselves. Since love is the Royal Law and the Eternal Law, they fall short….as do all of God’s servants. And any one who thinks they are perfectly loving God and others as themselves are deceived. We are continually falling short of the glory of God as we grow learning what it means to love. That’s what I mean about understanding GRACE and MERCY. Thinking JWs are God’s ONLY servants doing the entire will of God is the stronghold you will have to break down. Many JWs have done so. Just look at the ex-JW sites online. Many JW elders have left and found ‘the truth’. I don’t believe in an ever burning hell or in the immortality of the soul, but that is not what makes a true servant of God. LOVE is the fulfilling of the law. JWs are a lot like Catholics in that respect. They believe that membership in the organization is required to be saved. Sorry, not true.
Your claim that I lie is in itself a lie. I don’t lie. You can’t even honestly claim to do the ENTIRE WILL OF GOD, all day, every day. Your last post is proof.
You posted:
JWs have a fallen human nature as well and commit sexual sins, pride, covet and fail to love Jehovah with their whole body soul mind and whole being with every cent and every second.
This sentence above from your last post is also a lie. If you did God’s will, you wouldn’t lie. You claim to know what God’s servants do and don’t do, and that’s impossible, unless you are God, and you’re not. No one is perfect, but His witnesses are the only group who obey Him totally as far as humanly possible. I’m sure you vote, drink, mislead and lie as evidenced by your posts, and you spend much more time earning a living instead of spend most of your time witnessing for Him, AS HE COMMANDED. I know of NO witnesses for God who do not love their neighbors as themselves, and I know many thousands of them, very well. You are not friends with any of them either and therefore have NO first hand evidence from which to arrive at your statement. And NO WITNESS FOR GOD EVER believed, or currently believes, that membership in a society is the only way to be saved. That is another lie you posted. Disobeying God by lying is NOT DOING HIS WILL. Those who do the entire will of God are members in the society though, since no one else knows what that will is. As far as apostates and apostate web sites go, they have fallen away from the one true faith, and God welcomes them back once they again reject Satan’s system and his misleading work that drew them away from God. There is no truth outside the scriptures regarding God and Jesus, so claiming they found the truth outside of it is nothing short of absurd. ALL of God’s witnesses adhere ONLY to the scriptures and God’s principles contained therein. Yes, many elders as well have left God’s Earthly organization, and it’s sad.
DANIEL 11:35 And some of those having insight will be made to stumble, in order to do a refining work because of them and to do a cleansing and a whitening until the time of the end; because it is yet for the time appointed.
God prophecied a refining of His named people as can be found in Daniel chapter 11. Many come and go, but those finishing the race will live forever in righteousness. Those that don’t, will be destroyed.
Again you lie and claim Jesus and his Father started a cult. Do you think that pleases God? It doesn’t. God’s witnesses are His servants, not a cult. Nor are they any religion of man. Religions are all false. God’s word is all true. That means that you lie a lot.
Enery; “Ye are to be My witnesses” said Jesus… We are to witness Christ and His gospel and Not the Name of God the Father As you JW”S do.. “Jesus is the Name above all names” said Apostle Paul.. It is to Him that “every Knee shall bow” It is “He who will judge the Living & the dead” Acts 10:42 He Jesus and the Father are One…That is what Jesus said..
You’re pretty funny. Isaian was written BEFORE Jesus was. You haven’t a clue as to what you are talking about. In the Book of Isaiah God says “you are my witnesses”. In the Christian Greek scriptures, Jesus also commands his apostles and disciples to witness also for him. Your postulation is completely wrong Jaz.
Isaiah 43:10 “You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah,
“Yes, my servant whom I have chosen,
So that you may know and have faith in me
And understand that I am the same One.
Before me no God was formed,
And after me there has been none.
11 I—I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.”
12 “I am the One who declared and saved and made known
When there was no foreign god among you.
So you are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “and I am God.
Nowhere do these scriptures command us to STOP witnessing for God, and to bear witness only for Jesus. Neither does Acts say it:
Acts 10:42 Also, he ordered us to preach to the people and to give a thorough witness that this is the one decreed by God to be judge of the living and the dead. 43 To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone putting faith in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”
It’s rediculous to buy into a counterfeit religion. Jesus was SENT to Earth to teach mankind the “one true faith”, what became Christianity. All sects and denominations of Christendom are imitations, copies of the original teachings of Jesus. It’s NOT THE ORIGINAL. There can be only ONE reason for imitating and copying the original, and that is to CHANGE it. In 45 years of studying and scritinizing hundreds of sects/denominations of Christendom, I have yet to find even one that even closely resembles what Jesus taught. Changing God’s original words and teachings is not something He approves of. He said as much in the scriptures. Changing His words and teachings PREVENTS one from knowing the original. It doesn’t teach the original. Can there be any good reason for that? The clear answer is NO. There cannot. All sects and denominations of Christendom are a MIX of PAGAN and Christian beliefs. God, many times, said that we are not to touch anything pagan, ever, if we want to experience His love, and His promises. involving ourselves with those counterfeit religions most certainly will result in our judgement of destruction. He said He doesn’t even listen to the prayers of those who do such things.
Now you dlsparage JW’s for some unknown reason. They are what their name indicates: God’s witnesses on Earth. They witness to all they can, God’s personal name, Jehovah, and God’s government, the Kingdom of the Heavens, ruled by Jesus as King. JW’s believe ONLY in the scriptures, without adding to or taking ANYTHING from them. Another thing to consider, is that they are the ONLY group on Earth teaching and DOING the ENTIRE will of God in it’s entirety, with NO exceptions. In fact, Jesus commanded all Christians to WITNESS to all about the Kingdom and about God’s name. He even said that the good news of the Kingdom will be preached to the entire inhabited Earth, AND THEN THE END WILL COME. No one else does this, only God’s Earthly witnesses. Sure, some groups here and there pretend to witness these things, but they don’t do it truthfully. They don’t tell others the truth.
And yes, Jesus said he and the Father are one. That does NOT mean they are one person, but they are one in purpose and thought. They are working toward the same goal, but they are two separate persons. God created Jesus, and Jesus is God’s SON.
I agree with you on the “torture stake” and also when you say “That does NOT mean they are one person, but they are one in purpose and thought.” With 45 years of study, I am sure you have great insights that can benefit us all. So can you please expound on “God created Jesus”. Give me some bible texts, I can look at to understand this.
Thank you.
How is this for starters: Colossians 1:13 He rescued us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 by means of whom we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins. 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 16 because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him and for him.
God created His son, and His son created everything else. The only thing God created first hand was His son. He allowed His son to use His holy spirit to create everything else that exists, for His son.
John 1:14 So the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father; and he was full of divine favor and truth.
And don’t forget John 3:16
And John 3:18 Whoever exercises faith in him is not to be judged. Whoever does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God
1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. 9 By this the love of God was revealed in our case, that God sent his only-begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him.
Explain how God’s word, and Jesus’ teachings are a false religion. Jesus taught the one true faith. All sects/denominations of Christendom are a copy, a counterfeit of the original. There is but ONE reason for such a copy of the original, and that is to CHANGE the original. And only one reason for that, and that reason is to mislead, and to say that God and Jesus didn’t teach the truth. Your claim that the original is false is something that has no words to describe it. How can the original be false, fake. It’s the copies, the sects and denominations that are the fakes. And logically speaking, why would the original not be good enough? One adheres to a false copy claiming it’s better than the original. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. None. And you have the audacity, no stupidity, to claim God and Jesus lie. I assure you, neither CAN lie. It’s you who lie, and it’s those copies of the original that lie.
I haven’t “failed” to do anything. It’s not my job to do your work. The scriptures admonish us to search the scriptures to see if what one says is true. You have failed to heed that admonition. In respect to the veiling Satan has placed on the meaning of God’s word, you have failed to demonstrate to God an honest heart. It is only with that honest heart that God unveils the meaning of them. Without that honest heart, one can NEVER understand God’s word. It simply is impossible. You have, however, demonstrated an adherence to religion, all of which God said were false. You have also demonstrated a usage of false translations of His word. Using false translations, and sticking to false religion, how can you ever expect to understand what God says to us?
Good Video “the man of peace” again blaspheming Christ by denying the the work of redemption.