The Arutz Sheva Israel National News is reporting that Pope Francis has only a few years to live and may retire like his predecessor Benedict. If he steps down, then I will be the first to say the Prophecy of the Popes was wrong. People who read Petrus Romanus carefully are aware I have always been tentative, for it to be fulfilled Rome should be destroyed. If Pope Frank steps down and Rome is fine, the prophecy of the popes is undone. I have always maintained a wait and see position, my argument has been that past fulfillment compelled me to not dismiss it. I will dismiss it if this pope retires uneventfully. However, it could also mean that 2016 will mark its culmination, the jury is still out.
Pope Francis: I Only Have 2-3 More Years to Live
Pope Francis believes that he still has a maximum of three years left to live, he told reporters Monday, and indicated that he is considering early retirement.
“Another two or three years, and God will take me,” Francis said, speaking to reporters on his way back to the Vatican from South Korea. According to reporters on the plane, the pope was generally in high spirits despite the grim prediction.
Watch the The Last Pope?
for details on the Prophecy of the Popes.
Don’t give up so easily Cris. Many of us are looking for the return of the Lord in three years…
Obviously no one can argue with your attitude of caution, Cris. But this is huge news from Pope Francis. What do you really think it portends? is he giving us a signal he wants out of his predicament? Or is it confirmation that time is really short? Surely you have a gut reaction to this news…but I understand if you want to exercise a bit of caution here. ha It’s all getting a bit crazy is it not?
I would like to know if this is a medical verdict or a does the Pope claim a spiritual revelation regarding his life expectancy.
There are a few good reason to think that the prophecy of the Popes is a forgery
Curve ball coming: Yes, Francis is on his way out very soon … via an attack on the Vatican. Benedict “Hidden From The World” XVI will miraculously survive and return with renewed “energy.” So Joseph Ratzinger – the one born to Joseph and Mary in an inn (Maktl am Inn, Bavaria), and “died” (to become “Benedict XVI”) on Passover — will be the last pope!
Is this speculation or based off revelation? I always felt that Cardinal Francis Arinze would take a pivotal role in the papacy at some point, but God only knows.
As an ex catholic I have been aware of the Malachy pophecy for a while. However I have also had suspicion as to its authenticity.
I don’t feel that the Catholic chuch is going to be that big a player in the last days. Like the UN I think that it is an institute that much is expected of, yet is drastically sliding into insignificance. I was brought up in an Irish catholic community in England. Nearly all of those people and families I was brought up with have either drifted away from the church, or lost interest in religion altogether. The Roman catholic church in the UK (as small as it was) is being kept alive by the elderly, and Polish immigrants who are untainted by the sex scandals and brutality that happened in Ireland and here.
One other thing or person who I have some suspicion about is Father Malachi Martin. I have no doubt that Satan has great influence firmly entrenched in Rome, but I also think that Malachi Martin could have been part of that. There was something about him, and his revelations, that sets of alarm bells with me. I also once heard an interview where he refered to Satan as “our friend” which he corrected to “our adversary” in a very purposeful manner, as if he had said it before, almost rehersed.
I feel that where ever the false prophet of the beast comes from, it will be from a position that conncects with more people than the Catholic church currently does, possibly a secular position, or a new age one.
Michael Sean, is it possible that Martin was being sarcastic when he called Satan, “our friend,” or maybe just misspoke accidentally?
Besides, given how old Pope Francis is, it would only be logical for him to assume that he only has “two or three years” left.
I’m also somebody who left the Catholic Church, and I agree that it won’t play much of a role in the last days. Most of institutionalized Christianity, I believe, has become morally irrelevant because of its obsession with th eneed to be intellectually fashionable. Nevertheless, I sometimes believe we over-think too much and don’t take things at face value that need to be taken at face value.
I belive mi self in Jesus Christ an hi is mi Ching and mi saiver , but about the pope Francis his not from god ok Guys but the profesy from the bible mast bi fofild his not a profet or peace maicker ok please anderstand the bible ward ok and reed det and you will see yet ok god bless the yeart
…Simply an attempt to appear modest, methinks. It goes along with the rest of his act.
I wouldn’t read too much into it.
Hi Cris. If you have not yet seen this, I thought you would be very interested in it. Shimon Peres states that Pope Francis “was the only world figure respected enough to bring an end to the wars raging in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world” and proposes a UN for religions (the “United Religions”) to the Pope.
Hello Cris,
You know…don’t sweat it! I wouldn’t worry about it. The way I see it, Cris, is both your and Doc Marquis’ assessment are correct regarding the final pope, however, I will qualify my answer. I do not know the exact details surrounding the “line” or genealogy (what not) of the prophecy of the popes but, it is my opinion the present Pope (i.e., Pope Francis) may very well be the final pope as we know it (i.e., 112) or how it has been commenced, at least, for lack of a better world. Whether Francis’ words are a true confession (no pun intended) or an elaborate ruse to get Pope Francis out, I cannot say. But, nevertheless, it may be the significance of the occultic number — 13 — that may bring things to light. That is to say, next in line — Pope 113. I do not know. That is my two cents. But I do know both the importance and significance this number brings to an occultic-Satanic system and its preludes to a Masonic savior (anti-Christ). So, in that sense you (i.e., St. Malachy) are correct in that Pope Francis may very well be the final pope and the end of religious and institutionalized Catholicism as we both know and understand it (i.e., global religion, et. al.). That is, of course, before the real tribulation begins, perhaps. All I can say is, I know the Lord’s return is very close at hand as I feel it in my bones. The next 1-4 years and how it will all play out will be very, very interesting (if the Lord tarries as only the Lord knows how long). Continue to look up as our redemption draws nigh indeed! God bless you, Cris.
— Eric
Just a correction of my response to Cris as the sentence should read, “for lack of a better ‘word’ ” not world where it says, “….or how it has been commenced, at least, for lack of a better world.” My bad. Just in the event a wandering New Age utopian or Postmodern globalist gets a different idea and reads otherwise (or misreads, in this case) into my typo. My bad.
— Eric
Eric, we post-modern globalists and New Age utopians salute you! 😉
Hello New Age utopian and Postmodern globalist Joseph D’Hippolito,
No, No…thank you…but, yes, I say what I mean and mean what I say at face value as needs be indeed!
— Eric
The number of the beast is 666. Which means satan appears at the the sixth seal, sixth trump, and sixth vial. And it’s not going to be a tattoo, or computer chip. That would be too obvious. Satan is a lot more intelligent than that. Stop worrying about prophecy so much, and start preaching the gospel to the masses. Chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. Not a verse from here, and another from somewhere else in the bible. The antichrist is none other than satan himself. Check out the meaning of anti on the Greek section of the strong’s concordance. It means instead of, not against. The whole world, except those with the seal of God, will think they’re worshipping Jesus. But, actually it will be instead of Jesus that they’re worshipping. If some entity proclaims to be Jesus and you are still in your flesh body, then they are a liar. When Jesus returns, in the twinkling of an eye, we will all be changed. That means all. Not just God’s elect.
Francis likely has life until February-March 2019…
which will be 3 1/2 years after the 4th horsemen of the Apocalypse rides forth…
the 4th horseman, ‘Death’, goes forth at the same time as the heavenly sign of this tetrads’ 4th blood moon in Sept 2015
Your Invited and RSVP is a must. Procedure to RSVP is Below. But first I must ask did you think I would Glorify God by not inviting all those who Glorify God too, with me to the biggest Party the Church has or will ever throw,? Silly Jackass(Hard Headed) leave the “accusation” of my actions, words and thought to the Devil,,, Lucifer translate Hebrew literally to “Accuser” translate. No one wants to be In image of the devil. So leave accusation of my actions, words and though to that little bastered. Me and My Mother “the Head Stomper” will take Care of that Son of A Bitch(Proper and Holy use of word)
Victory and Peace belongs to us all if we unify in Fatima to convert all others starting inside the Church with converting Medjigorji in the graces She gave me to give to you.
Grace=7gifts of Holy Spirit
Fear, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Fortitude Counsel, Piety. (The Grace was given to give to you is the Knowledge of the truth that Jews Muslims Protestant have we Catholics need to unite with as will as they why we Catholics are no more in Heaven then they because the Final unveiling of God humbling everyone to know this, insure All except declared saints are in “hell of the Just” since Christ. They are purifying from Pride that cases division,
The grace came at the price of a lot of suffering both caused by me and Caused by you,,, Get over it… You all will accept that I was to Chastise you all as “God Willed” not mine. This allowed from atonement needed so the Grace to be offer could be easier to receive. However it’s still a chose,,. you will not be protected unless you act and act right now.
These act allows to be protected during tribulation and showered with blessing. Truly those who accept this grace giving in this letter will allow a protection from the tribulation. Those who do not accept this Grace also does not Accept the Invitation to the “Portugal Party” in 2017 in which the Church has been preparing for years. The Grace requires you humble to my instructions now as I reach out in Mercy time and Time Again.
Those who act in my instruction now the reward is huge both physically and spiritual. It’s meant to be given to all. So the Party for those who act NOW, Is so big the Church has reserved a Stadium for those who accept this Invitation in alerting Medjigorji of uniting your selves to Medjigorji by accepting the Original and final Faithful seer/Apperitionest
In acting now will not only see the Miracle In 2017 as it is presented by God but you will be the Miracle and a Blessing to the world. You will have fulfill “our” suffering therefor seeing a Miracle and the man Christ Chose to be his Good Shepherd.
Those who accept this in humility will tell others of the warning “Final warning” who do not humble themselves accept me fully by uniting to Christ Church and Gods hand taught son, Vincent Paul Frederick(No Not Christ, explained bellow)
Those who don’t or continue to reject myself such as my old uparish (St. Elizabeth) Medjigorji, M. Boycot. Jed Comeaux, Father Longue Father Maria, Rebecka Walker, Marie Hebert, Ass Uncle Jue and especially Medjigorji Caritas Alabama, along with Mitchell Fotenote Rodney Balsmoe, who God has Favored, will have to be purified in extreme suffering in tribulation.
Those named must know just because your Catholic or like Mrs Walker Protestant don’t mean your protected in salvation of the Church. The Church is not solely laws, Sacrements or A particular Faith of Christianity. It is all these in loving other unity in love.
You All must help unify inside and outside the Church. For us to avoid WWW111 all together is Impossible how ever if you are humble to this little truth I gave you and Unite it with others as asked, then you will not see the miracle but be the miracle,,,, A Glory that saves humanity and Brings America Back under Grace of God who will again protect it from destruction and Gates of Hell.
We will be one nation of priest because truth was given to the Muslims as it was the Jews. We need to understand that the Catholic Church pontiff always new they were saved just not sure how and the Church is not limited to our understand of all the deferent Baptism as taught by the church.
These things have been taught and revealed to me to give to you. To RSVP not only requires a response to this letter but also a response to the Grace to act and go out and convert all under the humility of the Pontiff. Humility in learning truth as you ask to learn there Doctrine and unite it to understanding the Church doctrine deeper and fuller, thus converting both.
I realize 50 percent will be humble to this invitation, so that’s why if you don’t unite with the efforts of my Lord Jesus Christ, he will suffer you in tribulation as to insure you unite to his Chosen Shepherd, easily before or Severally after the Great warming
Catholics that means you, Father Longua, Father Maria, Michell, Jed, who are the most blinded by your pride to dived by accusations. So you all who named know that if you do not accept me reaching out to you for conversion of others, you will be outside Christ greatest law “Love one as I have Love you” this takes on a personal meaning for us because by teaching you truth, you crucified me, however in the spirit of forgiveness I still reach out. You who act will be rejected offer it up so they Recieve Grace of conversion during tribulation. Love covers a multitude of in sins.
Unity is not evil if that which is divers is unified in humility of the other under God. TAKE NOTE:,United under ONE God and not No New World Order which like me you will be accused of being or working for the anti Christ.
The Co-redemption dogma and other info that support all the Churches teaching convert us all to the Others truth that blindness kept us from seeing. This allows for a Deeper love and understanding of Gods love for all. Love by placing no accusation or Judgment should one reject that truth each has that is “individual in diversity” that is found in the “Universal Church” that is one Holy and Apostolic Church.
Note: “One” apostolic church is only Holy in Humility each has a little truth and a whole lot of lies and unite
For those who accept this
MAKE You RSVP by email with the simple word “Love” , then find any way to relay to Medjigorji that they must unite by accepting I am the 1 st and the last Apostle. Tell them their final warning is when no more Apperitions. And add these specific words when Apparitions Stop they will “lament” over there own messages and repeat “Lament” You will half to be sneaky and find a way to Do this.
1)Talk to Terry C of Alabama caritas
2) Find a way to Get to the actual seers,….
3) are Call all different departments and contact email fax VM texted FB twitter And constantly bombard until it creates a “buzz”
I will send a Email I sent to family that will give you confidence in why And how I know this