The Best Final Roman Emperor Interview to Date

vftbgraphic200It’s a lot easier when you are already friends and have an assessment of one another’s worldview. It means we can talk content:


View From the Bunker 281: Cris Putnam – The Last Crusade

Derek Gilbert VFTB, SkyWatch NewsI had a nice conversation with Derek Gilbert about the book I am currently writing with Tom Horn about how ISIS, Pope Francis, USA and Russia are paving the way to Armageddon. I promise to be intellectually honest about my speculations as opposed to VERIFIED facts but am making effort to use those facts to support a particular reading of biblical prophecy -not newspaper exegesis as much as revealing how recent history seems to be pulling us toward what  premillennial futurism  has been saying for a century. The regathering of ethnic Jews, entailing s two stage regathering (first in unbelief ongoing since 1948 and before) followed by a, soon to come, national repentance and belief  in Jesus as Messiah as according to the Hebrew prophet Zechariah (Zech 12:10) and Jewish convert Paul – who encountered the resurrected Lord (1 Cor 15:8) and preached the Gospel he first received (1 Cor 15:3). I always enjoy talking with Derek because he so well informed.

VFTB 281: Cris Putnam – The Last Crusade

THE ISLAMIC STATE has made no secret of its plan to take over the world. But it’s not the only group with that goal in mind.

Cris Putnam, co-author of Petrus Romanus, Exo-Vaticana, and most recently, On the Path of the Immortals, discusses the geopolitical situation in the Middle East and the possible goals of IS, Russia, and the Vatican in the how the map of that part of the world is ultimately redrawn.

Podcast available here:

Transhumanism Panel Discussion Prophecy Forum Dublin, Ohio

Cris Putnam, Gary Winkleman, S. Douglas Woodward, Derek and Sharon Gilbert (via noosphere) participate in a discussion about Transhumanism led by Basil and Gonz of Canary Cry Radio. From the Prophecy Forum conference last Fall in Dublin Ohio.

Tom Horn told me that the new documentary Inhuman should be out in less than a month or so.

FEATURING (partial list):

Dr. Thomas R. Horn, CEO, Defender Films, best-selling author.
Cris D Putnam, MTS, BS, Diretor of Ethics Cocoon Resources, best-selling author.
Dr. James J. Hughes, Executive Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, former President, World Transhumanist Association.
Dr. William B. Hurlbut, U.S. President’s Council on Bioethics, Consulting Professor of Neuroscience, Stanford University.
Dr. Hugo de Garis, retired Director of the Artificial Brain Lab (ABL), Xiamen University, China; author, The Artilect War.
Dr. Natasha Vita-More, Faculty, University of Advancing Technology, Chairman, Humanity+, Fellow, Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies
Wesley J. Smith, Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute, special consultant for the Center for Bioethics and Culture.
Sharon Gilbert, Biologist, Futurist
Dr. Chuck Missler, Technologist, Founder, Koinonia House.

Numerous other experts in fields of science, technology, bioethics, sociology, philosophy, and theology.

Signed copies of On the Path of the Immortals
Immortals FB
and my other books include (while they last) a free DVD Historicism Back to the Future.